Unequally Evil
We find comfort in a God of mercy who punishes us infinitely less than our sins deserve....
Keep ReadingWe find comfort in a God of mercy who punishes us infinitely less than our sins deserve....
Keep ReadingSin discourages us from looking at its horrors closely....
Keep ReadingThe only qualification for receiving a welcome from Jesus is to be in need of what he can supply....
Keep ReadingThe antichrist just might be closer to you than you thought....
Keep ReadingGod tests his people, but he never tempts them with evil....
Keep ReadingResurrection is the promise to reunite all that death has separated....
Keep ReadingIgnoring the real facts that separate us holds no promise for finding unity....
Keep ReadingTrying to maintain unity apart from a commitment to pursuing truth is destined to fail far worse than any division that comes while ignoring the pursuit of truth....
Keep ReadingKeeping a weekly Sabbath just might be the gift of grace we desperately need....
Keep ReadingChristians can pray with the expectation of seeing God’s kingdom come day by day....
Keep ReadingThe Christian response to authority ought to demonstrate our confidence in the One who occupies the highest place of authority above all....
Keep ReadingIf you cannot gather with your church right now, be sure you do all you can to mitigate the risk to your soul....
Keep ReadingThe Bible calls us to live in the reality that the most consequential prophecies have already been fulfilled....
Keep ReadingHow we vote is a matter of Christian liberty requiring us to develop our biblical convictions and acting in a manner worthy of our calling as Christians....
Keep ReadingChristians are called to a bold, unhurried life that refuses to bow to the unhealthy busyness of the world....
Keep ReadingGod sees the idols of our heart and will tolerate no rival. He loves us too much to do that....
Keep ReadingHow good it is for God to require us to have as our God nothing less than the best....
Keep ReadingThe power we need to see real change take place in our lives is the assurance that God’s love for us is secure....
Keep ReadingThe Ten Commandments require a love that will inevitably lead to their fulfillment....
Keep ReadingGod requires an obedience that is unachievable without the Savior....
Keep ReadingThe grace of God can be fully seen and applied to our lives only as we begin to grasp the inseparable realities of Christ’s person and work....
Keep ReadingThe Bible calls both husbands and wives to be homemakers....
Keep ReadingEvangelical Christians should learn from some basic principles that guided King and the Civil Rights Movement in its earliest days....
Keep ReadingHe who is one with God in deity has become one with us in our humanity....
Keep ReadingA new creation brought about by the incarnate Word of God is the only hope for our eternal salvation....
Keep ReadingThe Bible exhorts church members to do what they can to minimize the hardship and to maximize the joy of ministry for their pastors....
Keep ReadingWe should come to Christ whose blood washes away our sin and whose body was completely broken and wasted to remove any last hint of our reproach....
Keep ReadingThe world is not headed for obliteration but for the liberation of the new creation....
Keep ReadingOnce the soul has been fully satisfied with God, there is only eternal pleasure....
Keep ReadingThe church ought to baptize only those who profess faith and are unbreakable members of the new covenant....
Keep ReadingWe must not make too much of baptism, but we must not make too little of it either....
Keep ReadingJust as in salvation, God is the primary actor in the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper....
Keep ReadingThree ways we can not only fuel our prayer lives but also become more fruitful in prayer....
Keep ReadingWe imitate God’s generosity when we ourselves enter into his lavish gift by faith....
Keep ReadingGod saved us when it could only be explained as an act of unilateral grace....
Keep ReadingTo freely confess that we are the most despicable moral creatures on earth encourages us to hold on to Christ as our only hope....
Keep ReadingThe good news upon which Christianity is based is true whether anyone believes it or not....
Keep ReadingWould people repent if God sent a messenger back from the dead?...
Keep ReadingWhat are Missional Families and why are they essential to the ministry of the local church?...
Keep ReadingChristians must prioritize the kingdom of God over every kingdom of this world although this will make them appear less patriotic in the eyes of the non-Christian world....
Keep ReadingBoredom might be our clue that we have lost the ability to delight in the ordinary goodness of God....
Keep ReadingThe ground for assurance is always what Christ has done and never what we have done....
Keep ReadingJust because you feel affection for someone doesn't mean you don't feel superior to them....
Keep ReadingJohn Perkins and the conviction that only the church and the love of Christ can overcome racial injustice....
Keep ReadingWhat if this was the year that you and I could witness an extraordinary work of God if only we would faithfully ask him for it?...
Keep ReadingWhat we believe about eternal security determines our beliefs on the doctrines of grace....
Keep ReadingEven if we are externally doing the “right things,” we might find sin lurking in the motives and attitudes of the heart....
Keep ReadingWe need God’s commands as much as we need his comfort....
Keep ReadingThe doctrine of the Trinity is mind-blowing, but it is essential that Christians know the doctrine well....
Keep ReadingOur disbelief and disobedience ends up teaching us the most glorious truths we must believe about God....
Keep ReadingBefore we can appeal to the Bible's teaching or ethics, we need to ask and answer this important question: How do we know that the Bible is the Word of God? ...
Keep ReadingBecause God is the first and best of beings, we either live in this reality or live in a fantasy....
Keep ReadingRemorse and resolution are easily confused with repentance....
Keep ReadingThere is a purpose for rest, a purpose we need to work hard to achieve....
Keep ReadingThe second commandment urges us to resist making God by our imagination....
Keep ReadingAmbition, diligence, and hard work are vices and not virtues when they are driving the building of our own glorious kingdom....
Keep ReadingLet us commit ourselves to the work of careful meditation of the Word of God....
Keep ReadingHow do we explain Jesus's apparent lack of truthfulness in John 7?...
Keep ReadingEvery minute around the world there are almost 150,000 emails sent, 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube, and 3.9 million Google searches conducted. Those are staggering numbers that remind us of the inexhaustible amount of content that is available for public consumption, just a click away. There are some real dangers to be concerned about with all this data for sure. A...
Keep ReadingTwo reasons for this church blog....
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