Leadership at Crosstown Church is about service empowered by the Holy Spirit. Because the various roles of spiritual leadership are manifestations of the Spirit, these leaders are given to the church for the benefit of everyone in the church (1 Cor 12:7). They are not positions of spiritual hierarchy. The authority granted to these leaders is for the purpose of serving the church in such a way that every member can grow as disciples of Jesus.
The Council of Elders consists of biblically-qualified men, nominated and elected by the church, some of whom serve as vocational elders in order that they may devote more time to prayer and the ministry of the Scriptures. Together the Council is called to feed, lead, protect, and care for this particular church. They are the pastors of the church who are accountable to God for the spiritual health of the members.
The Deacons and Staff are responsible for carrying out the vision for the entire church as established by the Council of Elders. Deacons are biblically-qualified men or women who are commissioned by the elders for a specific task and who lead a team in carrying out that task. The staff include the deacons as well as ministry assistants and interim team leads.
The Missional Family Leaders minister to the church by leading a community of people to live together on mission to a specific people or group. They lead by example, helping to train members of our church to serve as effective missionaries by orienting the rhythms of life around their missional focus.