Posts Tagged with "Faith"

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Works and Faith - Part 3


Paul’s explanation of Spirit-filled living in Galatians ties together the paradoxical relationship between faith and works....

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Works and Faith - Part 2


The purpose with which James wrote, compared to Paul’s emphasis on unity, leads to significant differences in how faith and works are discussed....

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Works and Faith - Part 1


The writings of James and Paul share a common understanding that authentic faith comes from union with Christ and results in Spirit-filled living....

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What Is Faith?


Because it is God who gives us saving faith, we can truly rest on him alone for salvation....

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Missional Decision Making


Disciples of Jesus should make decisions in light of the mission that God has called us all into....

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The Avengers vs. Jesus


Passion flows naturally from that which we most believe to be true....

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Narnia and Childlike Faith

Longing for the faith that when Aslan shows up, everything is going to be okay....

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The True Cost of Discipleship

The call of discipleship is a call to joyful sacrifice for all Christians....

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Hope Delayed

Don't hope in an outcome. Hope in God....

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