Seeds Under Snow
January 8, 2020 by Cameron Wehe | Tags: Advent

If it is painful how much you want Christ to come and make all things new, you might be getting advent right....
Keep ReadingIf All You Do Today Is Repent, It Is a Good Day
October 7, 2019 by Cameron Wehe | Tags: Sanctification, Repentance

Rather than seeing repentance negatively, believers should embrace repentance as a joyfully essential part of worshiping God and living day to day....
Keep ReadingGod’s Got You
July 14, 2019 by Cameron Wehe | Tags: Anxiety, Goodness of God, Trials

The cross, and nothing else, is the greatest expression of God’s love and goodness to us....
Keep ReadingFreedom from Sin Is Not Our Ultimate Hope
March 12, 2019 | 1 Comments by Cameron Wehe | Tags: Sanctification, Sin, Righteousness
- Catechism 14
- Prayer 12
- Kingdom of God 11
- Community 11
- grace 9
- Sin 9
- Faith 9
- Love 8
- Hope 8
- obedience 8
- Spiritual Disciplines 7
- Salvation 7
- Anxiety 7
- Advent 7
- Ten Commandments 6
- Devotion 6
- Bible 6
- Suffering 6
- idolatry 6
- Sanctification 5
- Theology 5
- Rest 5
- Book Review 5
- Works 5
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- Marriage 5
- COVID-19 4
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- Missional Living 4
- Decisions 4
- Worry 4
- Justification 4
- humility 4
- Repentance 4
- Sabbath 4
- Scripture 3
- Fear 3
- Freedom 3
- Discipleship 3
- Priority on the Heart 3
- Judgment 3
- Goodness of God 3
- Parenting 3
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- Attributes of God 3
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- The Trinity 1
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- Theodicy 1
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- Tribulation 1
- Trusting God 1
- Union with Christ 1
- Vaccination 1
- Waiting 1
- Waiting on God 1
- Will of God 1
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- Reformed Theology 1
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- Resources 1
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- Singleness 1
- Satan 1
- Second Coming 1
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- Self-salvation 1
- Selfishness 1
- Sermons 1
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- Partnership 1
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- Doctrine 1
- Doubt 1
- Easter 1
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- Fall 1
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- Cross 1
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- Martin Luther King 1
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- Food 1
- Hebrews 1
- Fourth of July 1
- Frustration 1
- Future 1
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- Goals 1
- God as Shepherd 1
- God's Will 1
- Good Friday 1
- Government 1
- Heaven 1
- Hell 1
- Kindness 1
- Hermeneutics 1
- Holidays 1
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- Hymns 1
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- imitating Christ 1
- individuality 1
- Infallibility 1
- Information 1
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- Integrity 1
- Joy in Christ 1
- Writing 1
- Ben Janssen 60
- Jad K. 16
- Josh C. 11
- Maddie Souza 10
- Bre Gifford 9
- Rachel C. 9
- Jenni Stevens 8
- Tammy Frazier 7
- Colby Bachman 7
- Grant Davis 6
- Kevin Feamster 6
- Cameron Wehe 5
- Taylor Feamster 5
- Sarah Benham 5
- Colby Nicholson 5
- Caleb Harrison 4
- Kaitlyn Harrison 4
- Billy Mashburn 4
- Hunter West 4
- Garrett Mueller 4
- Daniel Ede 4
- James Nannety 3
- Raleigh Nannety 3
- Megan Smith 3
- Logan H 3
- Glenn D 3
- Kevin Robertson 3
- Adam Kelley 2
- Tony Frazier 2
- Ryan Scott 1
- Katie Davis 1