The Future Has Already Come
November 10, 2020 by Ben Janssen | Tags: Kingdom of God, Prophecy

The Bible calls us to live in the reality that the most consequential prophecies have already been fulfilled....
Keep ReadingThe Coming Apocalypse
November 18, 2019 by Ben Janssen | Tags: Kingdom of God, Creation

The world is not headed for obliteration but for the liberation of the new creation....
Keep ReadingLet Our Anxiety Point Us to Christ
October 29, 2019 | Tags: Anxiety, Uncertainty, Kingdom of God, Sanctification, Unbelief

Anxiety is a signpost that reminds us that we're not trusting God for contentment and satisfaction....
Keep ReadingFinding the Need to Pray
October 11, 2019 by Ben Janssen | Tags: Kingdom of God, Prayer

Three ways we can not only fuel our prayer lives but also become more fruitful in prayer....
Keep ReadingWords that Serve God or Self
August 16, 2019 by Josh C. | Tags: Kingdom of God, Words

Being “slow to speak” means that we pause to consider whether our words are going to serve God or ourselves. ...
Keep ReadingFree to Celebrate
July 4, 2019 by Grant Davis | Tags: Kingdom of God, Celebration, Work
Full of the Spirit
April 2, 2019 by Grant Davis | Tags: Kingdom of God, Freedom, Satisfaction, Food

In the kingdom of God we are free to eat and drink because we are already full of the Spirit....
Keep ReadingA Kingdom of Freedom
March 27, 2019 by Grant Davis | Tags: Money, Kingdom of God, Freedom, Materialism
Embracing Inconvenience
December 27, 2018 | Tags: Kingdom of God, Missional Living
Inconvenience may be the best occasion for God’s kingdom to advance....
Keep ReadingCounterfeit Kingdom
August 14, 2018 | 1 Comments by Tammy Frazier | Tags: Kingdom of God
We all have counterfeit kingdoms we tend to love and that steal our affection for the true, unfailing kingdom....
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