Diving a Little Deeper
August 3, 2018 | 1 Comments by Bre Gifford | Tags: Devotion, Scripture, Knowledge
If your knowledge of the Bible isn't what it should be, why not dive a little deeper into it?...
Keep ReadingSpiritual Rainfall
July 6, 2018 | 1 Comments | Tags: Devotion, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual growth
We need consistent watering, sustenance, and environment, rather than the mere quantity of nourishment, to grow into spiritual maturity....
Keep ReadingPurposeful Reading for the Character of God
June 22, 2018 | Tags: Worship, Devotion, Theology, Bible Study
Here's a way to meditate on the Scripture with the specific goal of seeing and savoring the character of God....
Keep ReadingThe Key to the Saints' Success
June 21, 2018 by Ben Janssen | Tags: Discipline, Prayer, Devotion
Ambition, diligence, and hard work are vices and not virtues when they are driving the building of our own glorious kingdom....
Keep ReadingInvest Your Time in Timeless Truth
June 8, 2018 | 2 Comments by Rachel C. | Tags: Bible, Creativity, Memorization, Meditation, Devotion, Family
Let's give our best efforts, our hardest work, our most creative energies to invest in what will never change, but that will inevitably change us....
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