Don't Skip the Introduction
March 20, 2019 by Billy Mashburn | Tags: Bible reading, Inspiration

The introduction to many of the books of the Bible contain some of the greatest declarations of the gospel....
Keep Reading
- Catechism 14
- Prayer 12
- Kingdom of God 11
- Community 11
- grace 9
- Sin 9
- Faith 9
- Love 8
- Hope 8
- obedience 8
- Spiritual Disciplines 7
- Salvation 7
- Anxiety 7
- Advent 7
- Ten Commandments 6
- Devotion 6
- Bible 6
- Suffering 6
- idolatry 6
- Sanctification 5
- Theology 5
- Rest 5
- Book Review 5
- Works 5
- Worship 5
- Marriage 5
- COVID-19 4
- Politics 4
- Depravity 4
- Discipline 4
- Sovereignty 4
- Poetry 4
- Satisfaction 4
- Missional Living 4
- Decisions 4
- Worry 4
- Justification 4
- humility 4
- Repentance 4
- Sabbath 4
- Scripture 3
- Fear 3
- Freedom 3
- Discipleship 3
- Priority on the Heart 3
- Judgment 3
- Goodness of God 3
- Parenting 3
- Encouragement 3
- Purpose 3
- Identity 3
- Pride 3
- Racism 3
- Evangelism 3
- Family 3
- Race 3
- Death 3
- Trust 3
- patience 3
- Baptism 3
- Creation 3
- Bible Study 3
- Truth 3
- Perseverance 3
- Confession 3
- Peace 3
- Attributes of God 3
- Hardship 2
- Grief 2
- Bible reading 2
- Gospel 2
- Resurrection 2
- Righteousness 2
- God the Father 2
- Liturgy 2
- Sacraments 2
- Protestants 2
- Holiness 2
- Wisdom 2
- Reformation 2
- Joy 2
- Interpretation 2
- Apologetics 2
- Justice 2
- Reconciliation 2
- Work 2
- Words 2
- Lament 2
- Assurance 2
- Atonement 2
- Word of God 2
- Pain 2
- Hospitality 2
- Catholics 2
- Busyness 2
- Memory 2
- Sufficiency of Christ 2
- Trinity 2
- Praise 2
- Mercy 2
- Conversion 2
- Spiritual growth 2
- Motives 2
- Contentment 2
- Theism 2
- Discouragement 2
- Soteriology 2
- Meditation 2
- Eternity 2
- Trials 2
- Materialism 2
- Uncertainty 2
- Forgiveness 2
- Children 2
- Unbelief 2
- Faithfulness 2
- Pastoral Ministry 1
- Quarantine 1
- Poem 1
- Podcasts 1
- Pleasure 1
- Planning 1
- Promises of God 1
- Patriotism 1
- Passion 1
- Punishment 1
- Priesthood of Jesus 1
- Psalm 23 1
- Priesthood 1
- personality 1
- Prophecy 1
- Priorities 1
- Preaching 1
- Perseverance of the Saints 1
- Productivity 1
- Scripture Memory 1
- Reality 1
- The Trinity 1
- Staying 1
- Stress 1
- Submission 1
- Surrender 1
- Teaching 1
- Technology 1
- Temptation 1
- Testimony 1
- Theodicy 1
- Spiritual Health 1
- Transformation 1
- Tribulation 1
- Trusting God 1
- Union with Christ 1
- Vaccination 1
- Waiting 1
- Waiting on God 1
- Will of God 1
- Witness 1
- Spiritual Warfare 1
- Spiritual Gifts 1
- Redemption 1
- Routine 1
- Reformed Theology 1
- Relativism 1
- Religion 1
- Resolutions 1
- Resources 1
- Respect 1
- Restoration 1
- Revival 1
- Sacrifice 1
- Singleness 1
- Satan 1
- Second Coming 1
- Self-reliance 1
- Self-salvation 1
- Selfishness 1
- Sermons 1
- Shame 1
- Shelaism 1
- Significance 1
- Partnership 1
- Abortion 1
- Parenthood 1
- Disappointment 1
- Cross of Christ 1
- Current Events 1
- Darkness 1
- Defiance 1
- Deliverance 1
- Dependence 1
- Depression 1
- Desire 1
- Differences 1
- Difficulty 1
- Diligence 1
- Discernment 1
- Creativity 1
- Discomfort 1
- Doctrine 1
- Doubt 1
- Easter 1
- Entitlement 1
- Eschatology 1
- Evil 1
- Exhortation 1
- Expectation 1
- Fall 1
- Family of God 1
- Cross 1
- Counseling 1
- Fatherhood 1
- Celebration 1
- Advocacy 1
- Anger 1
- Antichrist 1
- Apostasy 1
- Art 1
- Authenticity 1
- Authority 1
- Behavior 1
- Biblical Worldview 1
- Business 1
- Care 1
- Change 1
- Control 1
- Christian Liberty 1
- Christian Living 1
- Christology 1
- Church Calendar 1
- Church history 1
- Church Planting 1
- Civil Rights Movement 1
- Commitment 1
- Comparison 1
- Complementarianism 1
- Conflict 1
- Construction 1
- Fasting 1
- Fellowship 1
- Nurture 1
- Minor Prophets 1
- Legacy 1
- Light 1
- Lord’s Supper 1
- Accountability 1
- Love of God 1
- Loyalty 1
- Lying 1
- Martin Luther King 1
- Meaning 1
- Memorization 1
- Mental Health 1
- Mission 1
- Knowledge 1
- Missional Family 1
- Missions 1
- Money 1
- Morality 1
- Motherhood 1
- Nature of God 1
- Neighborliness 1
- New Birth 1
- New Creation 1
- new year 1
- New Year's Day 1
- News 1
- law 1
- Knowing God 1
- Food 1
- Hebrews 1
- Fourth of July 1
- Frustration 1
- Future 1
- Generosity 1
- Glory of God 1
- Goals 1
- God as Shepherd 1
- God's Will 1
- Good Friday 1
- Government 1
- Heaven 1
- Hell 1
- Kindness 1
- Hermeneutics 1
- Holidays 1
- Humanity 1
- Hymns 1
- Imagination 1
- imitating Christ 1
- individuality 1
- Infallibility 1
- Information 1
- Inspiration 1
- Integrity 1
- Joy in Christ 1
- Writing 1
- Ben Janssen 60
- Jad K. 16
- Josh C. 11
- Maddie Souza 10
- Bre Gifford 9
- Rachel C. 9
- Jenni Stevens 8
- Tammy Frazier 7
- Colby Bachman 7
- Grant Davis 6
- Kevin Feamster 6
- Cameron Wehe 5
- Taylor Feamster 5
- Sarah Benham 5
- Colby Nicholson 5
- Caleb Harrison 4
- Kaitlyn Harrison 4
- Billy Mashburn 4
- Hunter West 4
- Garrett Mueller 4
- Daniel Ede 4
- James Nannety 3
- Raleigh Nannety 3
- Megan Smith 3
- Logan H 3
- Glenn D 3
- Kevin Robertson 3
- Adam Kelley 2
- Tony Frazier 2
- Ryan Scott 1
- Katie Davis 1