Truth in Stereo
I must admit that lately I’ve become a bit of a junkie. It’s not the kind of junkie that might first come to mind. My addiction stems from a need to hear the truth, every day and in multiple ways. It’s not a self-righteous thing. I don’t think I’m better than anyone because I behave this way. Really, it’s quite the opposite. I have a keen awareness of the fact that I am unable to cope with life on my own. No matter what job I’m given or role I must play, I have no idea what I’m doing. It frightens me deeply, and I need help.
I have my daily routines and rituals to address this situation. I read the Bible and devotional books. I listen to podcasts. I listen to other people read the Bible to me.
Recently, I was struck by the number of times my different pathways to the truth ended up in the same place. One day in particular, it came in the form of two scriptures: Jeremiah 29:11 and 1 Corinthians 15:19.
The first scripture came through the Daily Audio Bible reading. The second from a favorite devotional of mine, The Mockingbird Devotional: Good News for Today (and Every Day). (A side note: I highly recommend both these resources as an excellent way to satisfy your gospel cravings!)
The words found in Jeremiah 29:11 came to the people of God while they were smack dab in the middle of hopelessness. They were captives. They were homesick. The life they once knew was devastated. God doesn’t just tell them it’s going to be okay; he tells them to live their lives. Do the hard things. Do the good things. He doesn’t snap his fingers and change their circumstances, but he does assure them that the truth is real, his promises endure, even if they can’t see it. Even if they don’t believe it.
First Corinthians 15:19 rings true in a similar fashion. If we trust that Christ will only bring us comfort and hope while we live our average lifespan of 78.69 years here as exiles on planet earth, Paul says we should be pitied more than anyone. The truth is our future, our hope, extends outside the boundaries of what we see or know in this life. The hope we have been supplied by God through Christ is infinite and eternal. It extends far beyond our earthly hopes and dreams into another dimension superior to what we could ever ask or think. Just like the captives of Israel, we can live our lives, we can endure hopeless circumstances, because God promises that our sins are forgiven, and in that fact there is hope.
God is so good to proclaim his promises in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, through the prophet Jeremiah and the apostle Paul. A unified message coming to our ears through multiple channels. A message so consistent there’s no dissonance, no cacophony. These promises are melodic music to our ears. Truth in stereo.
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