The Wonder-Working God
August 13, 2017 Speaker: Ben Janssen Series: The Judges: Save Us from Ourselves
Scripture: Judges 13:1–25
The account of the twelfth judge of Israel, Samson, begins uniquely by describing the angelic announcement of his coming birth. God is at work, preparing to raise up another deliverer for Israel who has now become content with enslavement to the Philistines. God's promised deliverance is difficult to believe, but unless there is a surrender to his plan, God's people will miss the sight of the wonders that God has accomplished on their behalf.
[NOTE: The audio and video recordings for this message are not available. We apologize for the inconvenience.]

More in The Judges: Save Us from Ourselves
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No Moral CompassAugust 27, 2017
When Religion PaysAugust 20, 2017
The Self-Destructing Samson