Doctrines of Grace

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Doctrines of Grace

Four hundred years ago, delegates from the Dutch Reformed Church gathered to settle an important doctrinal controversy. Responding to the new way the gospel was being presented, the delegates set forth five points of doctrine which explain the nature of salvation according to the Bible. Central to this doctrine was the sovereignty of God in salvation, necessary to emphasize that it is God—and God alone—who saves. These doctrines of grace make plain that from beginning to end, salvation is of the Lord.

December 16, 2018

The Stream of Salvation

Speaker: Ben Janssen Series: Doctrines of Grace Scripture: Ephesians 2:1–10

November 18, 2018

God's Purpose of Election

Speaker: Ben Janssen Series: Doctrines of Grace Scripture: Romans 9:6–29

November 11, 2018

Desperately Sick

Speaker: Ben Janssen Series: Doctrines of Grace Scripture: Jeremiah 17:5–10