Remembering God: An Appropriate Response
Worthy of all glory, worship, and adoration;
all-knowing, all-powerful,
and ever-present.
The Godhead, Three in One.
Eternal is your nature,
holy, majestic,
and genuinely just.
The Ancient of Days.
Your creative works display supremacy,
molecules to galaxies, animals to humanity;
all created to glorify, worship, and adore.
Our sin you absorbed,
humble, sacrificial,
and determined to redeem.
The Lamb that was Slain.
An invitation to be truly human,
purpose defined, insight provided;
unhindered freedom for submission.
Never prone to abandon your treasure,
tender, compassionate,
and intentionally present.
The Intimate Comforter.
You speak a better word,
condemnation broken, shame undone;
in your presence being put back together.
Devoted to setting the captive free,
valiant, precise,
and overwhelmingly good.
The Destroyer of Strongholds.
Songs of deliverance on your breath,
enemies crumble and retreat: fear, anxiety, oppression
all bow to absolute authority.
You entered humanity as a servant,
relational, authentic,
and affectionately kind.
The Incarnate Word.
Abounding in steadfast love,
mercy and forgiveness never ending;
the Living Water that quenches thirst.
Softening hearts is your delight,
indwelling, transformational,
and gently persevering.
The Helper.
Your correction leads to repentance,
belittlement and sarcasm are not of your craft;
sanctified to remember the source of everlasting life.
Infinitely wise in your perspective, knowing the beginning from the end,
gracious, perfectly patient,
and always committed to faithfulness.
The Great I AM.
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