A Simple Truth

There are times in my spiritual journey when I find myself comparing my journey with someone else’s. As I’ve spent time writing this blog post, it has been one of those times. I’ve found myself thinking that this topic is too simplistic; that no one wants to read about a seemingly simple topic of hope. But then I am convicted that Christian hope is a worthy topic of writing and reading. The Spirit frequently draws me back to the hope of Jesus and it is life-giving.
Why do we have hope in Christ? Many times throughout my life I’ve found myself in seasons of doubt, wondering “why Jesus?” What makes this man so important; why do I adhere to a biblical worldview when it is so different from the mainstream? Hope is usually the answer I find. Peace and truth follow closely behind, but hope is usually at the center.
Recently I watched in desperation and pain as a family member lost his dad to an acute illness. In COVID times there was no waiting at the bedside or last words spoken. Only desperation and hopelessness. As I watched the situation unfold I was utterly heartbroken. These family members are not believers; there was no divine peace or hope to hold on to, only empty sentiments. It reminded me that when everything is stripped away - safety, health, possessions - my hope remains in Christ. What a glorious, simple truth that is! Praise God that no matter our circumstances we, as believers, are held in his hands.
As I’ve thought through this idea of “why Jesus?” I’ve thought more about how my emotions have influenced my life. There have been times that hopefulness has felt like an emotion - when I felt encouraged by good news or had a swelling of happiness during sentimental moments. Those feelings certainly felt like hope. But is true, God-given hope different? Can hope be intermingled with sadness, can it be intermingled with depression? I think so. I’ve experienced hope as a steadiness when everything around me feels like it is falling apart. I’ve experienced hope by living a spirit-filled life and looking to Jesus for eternal hope instead of looking to my situation for temporary relief. Daily fellowship with Jesus will offer far more hope than holding on to empty truths of this world.
And so I’ve come to the conclusion that hope is not a simplistic topic. Having hope that is centered on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is foundational to our faith. It can offer a steadiness during uncertain times. What we have in Jesus will not change, and what better hope is there?
Dear brothers and sisters, find hope in 1 John 5:20:
“And we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us understanding so that we can know the true God. And now we live in fellowship with the true God because we live in fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only true God, and he is eternal life.”
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