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A Reflection On Motherhood


Imperfect parenting points to a perfect God....

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Crucifying Christ Again


When we choose works over grace, we align ourselves with those who conspired to crucify Christ....

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The Preamble to the Ten Commandments


The power we need to see real change take place in our lives is the assurance that God’s love for us is secure....

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Abram's Choices: Wisdom for Us


Abram chose courage and action; he chose to honor God as sovereign. What will you choose?...

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Though it can be helpful to know ourselves so that we can use our unique gifting and way of moving in the world to serve Christ better, it is more important to know Christ, who he is, and how we can imitate him....

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Racial Reconciliation and a Biblical Worldview


The Gospel has freed us from a worldview of “us” versus “them.” It has brought to light our utter inability to make right things on our own. May we lean into the power of the cross as we seek mercy and justice....

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Union with the Whole Christ


The grace of God can be fully seen and applied to our lives only as we begin to grasp the inseparable realities of Christ’s person and work....

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Let's Talk About Death


One of the biggest catalysts for me to proclaim Christ is the reality brought on by the imminence of death, pointing to a potential eternity without Christ....

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A Helpful Filter for Discerning God's Will in our Decisions


These four questions can help guide our thinking as we make decisions....

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God's Rules


God requires an obedience that is unachievable without the Savior....

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