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The Christian's Liberty In Voting


How we vote is a matter of Christian liberty requiring us to develop our biblical convictions and acting in a manner worthy of our calling as Christians....

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Response to the Messiah's Touch


Those who have been touched by the Messiah have a missional mandate - to rebuild and to restore....

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The Wooden Desk


A poem....

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Book Review: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry


Christians are called to a bold, unhurried life that refuses to bow to the unhealthy busyness of the world....

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Where Can I Hide My Idol?


God sees the idols of our heart and will tolerate no rival. He loves us too much to do that....

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On Marriage and Mt. Fuji


The covenant of marriage illuminates the grandness of Christ's covenant with his church....

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Moth, Rust, and Restoration


Invest in what matters to God. Everything else is moth and rust....

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Church Signs, Hamilton Lines, and the Privilege to Ignore


To ignore the ways in which we are different is to turn a blind eye to the goodness of God's diverse creation....

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The Requirement of the First Commandment


How good it is for God to require us to have as our God nothing less than the best....

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The Preamble to the Ten Commandments


The power we need to see real change take place in our lives is the assurance that God’s love for us is secure....

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